Safety Town

Safety Town is a four-day course teaching children all aspects of child safety both at school and home. Participants will learn about bicycle safety, pedestrian safety, fire safety, playground safety, poison control, snake and animal safety, stranger danger and what to do if they find a gun or another weapon. The children are instructed and practice how to cross the street safely. During the week, daily speakers, games and events will lead up to a Thursday graduation ceremony.

Participation fee is $10 for the entire program. The course offers a daily snack, but you may choose to send a snack with your child if they have dietary restrictions. Children are required to wear comfortable athletic shoes, no flip flops are allowed.

When and Where is Safety Town?
Safety Town will take place July 18-21, 2016 from 9-11:30 a.m. at Hocking College Nelsonville campus.

Who can come to Safety Town and Who Teaches it?
Children ages four to six are invited to participate in the program. All children must be potty-trained to participate. The Hocking College Police Department, Athens County Sheriff's office, fire fighters, educators and other public service workers will teach the children safe practices in a fun way!

Space is limited, so reserve your spot today! Complete the registration form and liability waiver and mail or drop it off with the $10 fee. Make checks payable to Hocking College.

Contact the Hocking College Police Department at 740.753.6598 or for additional questions and information about Safety Town.

Let's start early to help our children stay safe now and in the future!

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