This policy requires that all Hocking College employees are to report all incidents of student behavior that are unusual or alarming. If a staff member encounters an imminent threat where bodily injury could occur to the student or any other person, Campus Police should be notified immediately. Any information received via emails, listservs, course content, BlackBoard postings or any other online networking sources (Myspace or Facebook) all constitute reliable sources of information that must be reported. Reporting should be made directly to the BIT by completing the report forms available on the College website.
Hocking College is committed to maintaining the safety, health and well‐being of the students, staff and faculty. Due to the growing national trend on college campuses to address the threat of campus violence, Hocking College is taking steps to prevent tragedy before it occurs. The best means of protecting the Hocking campus from seemingly random violence is to accept that these acts may not be as random as they may seem. If potential “red flag” behaviors can be identified and handled accordingly, dangerous situations may be prevented. According to the Safe School Initiative Final Report by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education, incidents of targeted violence at school were rarely sudden impulsive acts. In most campus incidents, the attackers engaged in some behavior prior to the incident that caused others concern or indicated a need for help.
By focusing on specific student behaviors instead of general characteristics, behavior intervention avoids stigmatizing mental health issues and stereotype‐based profiling. Hocking College’s goal is to successfully engage, support and minimize the concerns associated with students in distress. Accomplishing these goals requires a coordinated institutional response that includes all members of the Hocking College community. Hocking College has created the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) to address the many issues of safety and security that arise at the College. The goal of BIT is to maintain a healthy and safe environment in order to enhance learning, increase retention and ultimately increase the rate of successful completion of course work and graduation of its students.
This policy requires that all Hocking College employees are to report all incidents of student behavior that are unusual or alarming. If a staff member encounters an imminent threat where bodily injury could occur to the student or any other person, Campus Police should be notified immediately. Any information received via emails, listservs, course content, BlackBoard postings or any other online networking sources (Myspace or Facebook) all constitute reliable sources of information that must be reported. Reporting should be made directly to the BIT by completing the report forms available on the College website.