As with all OSHA regulations, the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is intended to protect employees
from potential workplace hazards. It applies to facilities or operations where exposure to human blood
or other potentially infectious materials is possible. The Exposure Control Plan is the employer’s written
program that outlines the protective measures an employer will take to eliminate or minimize employee
exposure to blood and other potentially infectious materials.
An Exposure Control Plan has been developed to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure Hepatitis
B. Virus (HBV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and other bloodborne pathogens in accordance
with OHSA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030, “Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens.”
It is important to understand what the regulation does not intend to do. The “Good Samaritan Act” such
as assisting a fellow employee who has cut his / her finger, is not covered under this regulation.
Cross References:
1) Bloodborne Pathogen Compliance Manual
2) Emergency Management Guide
3) Communicable Disease and Infection Control Policy