College staff members are expected to devote their work activities primarily to functions of the College.
They may, however, engage in extramural activities provided that such activities do not detract from the
performance of their duties and responsibilities to the College and/or create conflict of interest with their
assigned College responsibilities. Extramural activities means any work not performed as a College
employee, whether or not compensated. It is expected that such extramural activities will take place
outside of the staff member's designated work time. Authorization may be granted to staff members who
want to perform work outside of the College during their designated work time. Any such time will be
charged to accrued vacation and/or leave without pay. Staff shall not engage in any activities or outside
employment that may result in a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest exists if financial interests or
other opportunities for personal benefit may exert a substantial and improper influence upon an
employee's professional judgment in exercising any College duty or responsibility. Staff shall not use
their positions to secure anything of value, financial gain, or personal benefit that would not ordinarily
accrue to them in the performance of their official duties. Nor shall they accept any compensation from
any other agency or individual for work performed in the course of their employment by the College.