The personal conduct and behavior of all employees must conform to standards of performance appropriate for an educational institution. When an employee’s behavior fails to meet these standards, jeopardizes the safety or welfare of students, another employee or employees, the public or interferes with College operations, the supervisor should initiate corrective action. Corrective action is normally progressive but may not always be depending on the severity of the offense. Disciplinary action may call for a verbal warning, a written warning, suspension without pay, or discharge‐depending on the severity of the problem and the number of occurrences. While one or more of these forms of discipline may be taken, no formal order or procedure is necessary. Serious infractions may necessitate the termination of an employee without advance notice.
Serious infractions may include violations of College policy and / or the law. All disciplinary action will be
documented in the employee’s personnel file. Each individual employee is expected to know the rules of conduct and to take responsibility for their own behavior.
The major purpose of any disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent recurrence, and prepare the
employee for satisfactory service in the future.
Cross References:
1) Employee Code of Conduct
2) Professional, Support Staff, OBPA bargaining agreements– Discipline and Discharge