To ensure an orderly environment and provide the best possible work environment, Hocking College
expects employees to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner during work hours and at any
function at which the person represents Hocking College. Hocking College’s reputation is one of its most
valuable assets. In addition, the employee is expected to follow rules of conduct that will protect the
interests and safety of all employees as well as the College.
It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace.
These Employee Rules of Conduct are placed in written form so that all employees will receive the same
fair treatment.
Cross References:
1) Discipline (Progressive)
2) Professional, OPBA (Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association), and SupportStaff Bargaining Unit – Discipline and Discharge
3) Due Process – Nonâ€Bargaining Employees
4) Hocking College Employee Handbook