Hocking College is committed to providing its students, staff and visitors an environment that is safe and secure. This commitment includes prohibiting students, staff and visitors from possessing or having under their control a weapon or dangerous ordnance while on the Hocking College Campus or conducting college business while off college property or in a college vehicle. Additionally, the college is committed to the responsible management of wildlife resources and allowing conditional hunting and trapping while still maintaining an environment that is safe for educational and occupational experiences.
A weapon or dangerous ordnance includes but is not limited to a firearm, club, brass‐knuckles, any martial arts weapon, a stun gun, explosives or a knife (other than a small folding knife carried in the pocket or sheath with a blade less than 4 inches in length).
Any staff, student or visitor who possesses a concealed carry permit issued by the State of Ohio or another state with which Ohio has reciprocity, must secure the firearm in the trunk of his/her vehicle immediately upon entering the Hocking College Campus pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code.
Students who reside in all, college‐owned and managed, Residence Halls are not permitted to store weapons on campus or in their vehicles. These students may inquire with Campus Police for off‐campus storage options.
Two weeks prior to the beginning of any hunting season in which hunting will occur on the Hocking College Campus, the Dean of the School of Natural Resources shall provide reminder notification to the Natural Resources faculty to avoid sending students into hunting areas for class activities.
*Please note: There is an exemption to this policy. It is that employees may be authorized by their
agencies to possess weapons in the workplace if weapons are required as a part of institutional